Gustolab International

Study & Intern abroad

Category CATEGORY NAME in Gustolab International


Attorno al cibo per costruire dialogo, incontro, confronto e pace

The association of environmental journalism ‘Greenaccord Onlus’ collaborates with the ‘Lazio Region Agency for Develop

Oscar Farinetti Event

This Wednesday December 5th, our director Dr. Sonia Massari was invited by European Institute of Design (IED) Director Nerina Di Nunzio

China-Italy science, technology and innovation program

The aim of the China-Italy science, technology and innovation program in Rome was to promote cooperation between Italy and China across

International Volunteer Day

December 5th, is International Volunteer Day, as selected by the United Nations. It is a moment in which volunteers and organizations ca

Premio Nazionale per l’ambiente

This event is promoted by ‘Movimento Azzuro’ and the topic is ‘L’anno del cibo’. Professors Ernesto DiRenz

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