News / Calendar

Tue Oct 16 2018

World Food Day – Rise for the Record

Il 16 ottobre We Rise For The Record! In occasione del #WorldFoodDay 500 volontari confezioneranno contemporaneamente razioni contro la fame di Rise against Hunger in 10 diverse location nel mondo per entrare nel World Guinness Record. Perché? Per far vedere al mondo che raggiungere l’obiettivo #ZeroHunger dell’#agenda2030 è possibile.
#RiseForTheRecord #2030isPossible #16october
On October 16, 2018, We Rise for The Record!  To show commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 #ZeroHunger, we are partnering with Rise Against Hunger Italy to enter the World Guinness Record during the ‘Rise for the Record’ event that will take place on #WorldFoodDay. The event will simultaneously take place in 10 different locations around the world and will involve 500 volunteers who will assemble the ingredients that make up the Rise Against Hunger meals destined for school programmes around the world. Our partner, Rise Against Hunger is celebrating its first 20 years of commitment and actions against hunger in the occasion of the event!
The objective of #ZeroHunger of #Agenda2030 is possible.
#RiseForTheRecord #2030isPossible #16October
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