
Short documentaries created by students. Titles and synopsis.


Food & Sustainability in Rome

The food industry is one of the main contributors to worldwide waste. Students interview a starred restaurant, fast food chains & people working in Mercato Trionfale in Rome to understand how & if they deal with sustainability & food waste to ensure a cleaner future & keep the multicultural nature of the dishes.


Rome – An outlook on industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).

This short video focuses on SDG 9 – Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation. Students interview experts to understand what the future of mobility might look like in a city like Rome & how to improve the situation in Rome in terms of pollution, congestion & logistics.


Powering the Future (SDG 7)

Students talk about SDG 7- Affordable & clean energy. Students interview experts who explain renewable energy including a lesser known, biomass energy (energy created from waste). Experts discuss how biomass energy is used in Italy, the importance of making it part of the culture & helping people understand its use.


Life on Land (SDG 15)

SDG 15 focuses on life on land. Urbanization can have negative effects on nature & the environment. Students interview experts who started projects to combat these effects. You will learn about urban gardening projects that aim to reforest the city & show sustainable & environmental practices in Rome.


Breaking down the wall (SDG 16)

This short video focuses on SDG 16 – Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions. In this short video,
students show us three organizations that help promote the 3 values of SDG 16 in Rome by giving
people a second chance through work & initiatives that involve food.
