Attorno al cibo per costruire dialogo, incontro, confronto e pace

The association of environmental journalism ‘Greenaccord Onlus’ collaborates with the ‘Lazio Region Agency for Development and Innovation of Agriculture’ this Tuesday, December 4th, from 9 to 14 in the Augustinianum Great Hall of Via Paolo Vito. The focus is the investigation of the role of food and agriculture on the people. Food is of sacred importance for numerous traditions and religions worldwide, but the industrialized system of greed has turned food into something else. From this change, there have many been negative impacts on our health and environment. If we give food the right value and meaning, it has the possibility to open up dialogue and create peaceful coexistence. This is of utmost importance in this day and age, as intolerance seems to creep into more places and minds. So what do we need to return these positive values to food? From the start, we can rethink our consumption styles, production techniques, and agricultural supply chains. We can rediscover traditional knowledge, support small producers and reduce our environmental and social impact. Food can build dialogue, community and peace, and through sharing, can unify people and their culture. A variety of speakers from all different backgrounds will present including Sandro Di Castro, former President of the Roman Jewish Community; Ernesto Di Renzo, Food historian, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Paolo Trianni, Catholic theologian; Yahya Pallavicini, President of COREIS (Italian Islamic religious community) and Svamini Hamsananda, Vice President of the Hindu Community. Stories of integration will be presented like the experience of Semi di Libertà Onlus, which created a microbrewery in the Roman prison of Rebibbia and the role of social agriculture in favor of people with disabilities through the testimony of Salvatore Stingo, president of Capodarco Agriculture. This day is recognized by the Association of Journalists of Lazio as a valid event for vocational training. May this event spark innovative new ideas and provide a place for people to gather in community and peace.